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Ethical Dilemma Framework Assignment

Ethical Dilemma Framework Assignment

Q This is our first major assignment. The directions and expectations are listed in the Framework. The graphic organizer that I'd like you to use is the "grid". This will help you to organize your analysis to make sure that all required elements are included. The final paper should include one grid and a one page (approximately) narrative for each dilemma. Please upload into this assignment as a Word Doc or a PDF. The writing within the grid can be more informal but the narrative should be formal, using APA format. Text should include citations and a reference list for all references used. Remember that both the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and the Universal Ethical Concepts are considered references. Feedback will be added to the paper and within the rubric in Blackboard. An exemplar for this assignment has been included for your review. Please email me if you have any questions. You'll have one opportunity to resubmit for an improved grade. One of these dilemmas will become the basis for your Ethical Dilemma Case Study.

Q ECHD 317 Spring 2018 Ethical Dilemma Framework Due 2/25/18 – 250 points / 25% of grade Write an overview to identify and describe three different ethical dilemmas within an early childhood setting. You can choose dilemmas from your own experience, make up dilemmas, or use dilemmas from the course readings. I recommend you use “real life” dilemmas from your workplace when possible. Each dilemma should be written in the first person, meaning you are the person who is experiencing the dilemma. APA conventions must be followed within the written narrative and must include a reference list. Total length: 2-4 pages plus one graphic organizer (see attached) for each dilemma. At least two of the dilemmas must be chosen from the following categories, and the third dilemma can be any kind of dilemma in an early childhood setting: 1. A conflict between good practice and demands of the institution for which you work;? 2. A conflict between the needs/rights of the child/children/family and the public good;? 3. A conflict between workers, due to differences in training, profession, job responsibility, or approach to clients; workers may be from within the same setting or from different settings;? 4. A conflict between research needs and the needs/rights of the client or group of clients. Describe each dilemma. Explain why the situation you describe meets the definition of a?dilemma. Indicate who the stakeholders in the dilemma are and provide two or more viable solutions. Many dilemmas may require comparing two or more different safeguards. The ethical safeguards should include, but are not limited to: legal mandates such as mandated reporting of abuse; codes of ethics of the institution and/or profession; licensing requirements, program policies, etc. Then describe how is potential solution is related to a universal ethical framework (e.g. ethic of care, human rights, public welfare, social and/or economic justice, fairness, equity) from class readings included in Noddings; Goldstein; Markkula Center. Self-assessment questions: 1. Have I explicitly stated the two choices the professional faces in this situation? 2. Have I included safeguards for each choice?? 3. Have I linked each choice to the universal ethical framework that supports that choice? 4. Have I created a bibliography for all referenced safeguards and readings? Ethical Dilemma Framework Grid Name: Identify the problem: Is it a dilemma or a responsibility? Can it be solved with ethical finesse? To whom do you have responsibilities? Guidance from the NAEYC Code and/or other safeguards: Guidance from the NAEYC Code and/or other safeguards: Possible resolution: Possible resolution: Universal ethical principle: Universal ethical principle: What is the most ethically defensible course of action? How (and when) will you evaluate whether this was the best approach: Ethical Dilemma Framework Grading Rubric Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Meets Some Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Total Points Allowed 50 35 20 0 Three Dilemmas Three dilemmas clearly define the two or more choices the professional is facing. Dilemmas are sufficiently complex with two choices defined but narrative shows preference for one choice. Situations described as challenging but choices are not stated clearly; only describes the choice that will?be ultimately taken Confusing presentation of choices. Dilemmas are not related to early childhood Safeguards Clearly describes safeguards for both choices. Contains some safeguards for each of the choices. Contains limited safeguards on one of the choices. Confusing presentation of safeguards. Universal Ethical Concepts Clearly describes which universal ethical concept each solution represents. Contains limited reference to universal ethical concepts. Confusing or inaccurate presentation of universal ethical concepts. Does not reference universal ethical concepts. Graphic Organizer Effective use of graphic organizer. Graphic organizer mostly complete with relevant and accurate information. Limited use of graphic organizer. Incorrect use or missing graphic organizer. Clarity and Organization Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are free of errors. Narrative is clear, coherent, and professional. APA conventions are always followed. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are generally accurate Narrative is generally clear and coherent. APA conventions generally followed. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are mostly accurate. Narrative is mostly clear and coherent. APA conventions seldom followed. Many errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Narrative is unclear and/or unprofessional. No citations or references listed Total

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Ethical dilemmas will always be present in the lives of the professional educators because of the diversity in the personalities of students and parents of students. The perspectives of students as well as parents of students must be taken into consideration for finding out fair resolutions. There have been three ethical dilemmas chosen by me and they will be illustrated below. There will be supporting codes as well as standards of NAEYC provided to justify the suggested resolutions.